About Us

Our Mission

Aims of Our Society:

  • To foster interest, knowledge and enjoyment in natural history, particularly in the Dubbo region.
  • To speak out on environmental and conservation issues, particularly those affecting our area.
  • To achieve these aims by meetings with lectures, discussions and field trips.

The DUBBO FIELD NATURALIST AND CONSERVATION SOCIETY (“DUBBO FIELD NATS”) has been a voice for environmental responsibility and conservation ethics in the Dubbo region since 1977.

Members have a very wide range of interests and knowledge, and this is reflected in the range of topics covered by speakers and the varied locations of field trips.  Interests include birdwatching, botany, street trees, geology, wetlands, forest management, Aboriginal cultural heritage, local flora and fauna, and conservation generally.

The Society has monthly social meetings and field trips to areas of environmental interest. There are also special trips throughout the year, such as weekend camping trips and extra excursions in spring.  A committee of the society holds a separate meeting to discuss the organisational, operational and lobbying activities of the society.

Members take part in workshops, have an advisory capacity in the community, lobby on important local environmental issues and sit on various committees.

There is “something for everyone” in this friendly and informal group, where visitors and new members are always welcome.

Current constitution: The current constitution for the assocation was adopted in 2017