To join, simply print off and fill out the membership form here: DFNCS Membership Form (this is a .PDF file)
Hand deliver this form and membership fees to a meeting, or post to : Treasurer, Dubbo Field Nats, PO Box 1171, Dubbo 2830.
Membership benefits include:
Monthly ‘Field Notes’ newsletter – the society’s monthly newsletter will be emailed or mailed to you. It is a great read, and keeps members updated on current events including guest lecturers and field trip venues and other information on a wide variety of subjects.
Meetings: Third Tuesday each month 7.00pm (Feb-Nov inclusive). Western Plains Cultural Centre’s Community Arts Centre, Cnr Wingewarra and Gipps Sts, Dubbo.
Field Trips: Sundays following each meeting. Birds and Botany Trips monthly on second Friday of the month. Trips to local and regional places of interest.
support for projects of environmental significance to the Dubbo Region.