Native Animals Around Dubbo

Dubbo links eastern Australian animals (fauna) with that of the semi-arid inland region, and ecologists believe that prior to European occupation the combination of open woodland to open forest, rocky ridges and permanent water would have sustained a considerable diversity of mammals. The number and diversity of these animals are now sadly depleted due to the loss of most of the areas original woodland and competition and predation by feral introduced species.  The biggest impacted are the native marsupials, with many species lost from the area, a wider trend of extinction across south-eastern Australia.

However, there are many animals still reliant upon our area for habitat and can be found in the remnant areas of the region.  These include:


The Platypus is still recorded occasionally in the Macquarie and Talbragar Rivers, and Echidnas still roam the remaining woodland areas.


  • Koalas can occasionally be recorded in the vicinity of the Goonoo Forest to the north-east of the city.
  • Small marsupials such as the Common Dunnart and Brown Antechinus are still seen in small numbers where suitable habitat remains.
  • In woodland areas it is possible to find Brush-tailed Possums, Sugar Gliders and Squirrel Gliders.
  • In suitable habitat, Eastern Grey Kangaroos are found in high numbers. In smaller numbers are Red-necked Wallabies, Eastern Wallaroos and Swamp Wallabies.
  • There is still a wide range of bats in the region.
  • Native water-dependent fauna such as Water Rats are often seen in the Macquarie River nearby.


Two orders of reptiles – Testudines (turtles) and Squamata (snakes and lizards) are represented in the Dubbo area.

  • There are three species of freshwater turtle locally, all found in the Macquarie River and some in other wetlands such as farm dams and billabongs.
  • A wide variety of reptile species can be found locally, including skinks, gekkos, legless lizards and snakes including some of the most venomous terrestrial species in the world.


Dubbo is an excellent area for birdwatchers, with a wide range of birds being year-round residents, while a number of seasonal migrants can be seen at certain times.

Some great spots for birdwatching are contained with Dubbo Field Nats book, and the Macquarie RiverSmart ‘Birdwatching Trail’ – found here: RiverSmart Birdwatching Trail

Dubbo is a significant area for the Glossy Black-Cockatoo, our chosen Society mascot.

Notable resident bird species include woodland birds like the Grey Crowned Babbler, Hooded Robin, Red-capped Robin, Jacky Winter, Diamond Firetail, Bush Stone Curlews and Brown Treecreepers. Other significant species include Malleefowl and Glossy-Black Cockatoos (Goonoo Forest), Yellow Plumed Honeyeater (Coolbaggie NR), Black Falcons, Regent Honeyeaters and Turquoise Parrots.

Waterbirds can be seen at the Dubbo Zoo, the river, the Dubbo Council Sewage works and Old Harbour Lagoon. Species include Magpie Geese (irregular), Swans, ducks including Blue-billed and Musk, Grebes, Stilts and occasional migratory waders.

Some rare and unusual sightings of recent years include Rufous Fantails (a rare seasonal visitor), Square-tailed Kite, White-winged Fairy Wrens, Painted Snipe and Painted Honeyeaters.

Introduced species include House Sparrow, Common Blackbird, Common Starling and Rock Dove, while feral ducks are seen in city park ponds. The Indian Myna has not yet become resident, but is heading this way!

Further information about the region’s native fauna can be found in the Society’s book, Plants and Animals of the Dubbo Region.  Contact us for more information about local areas where native animals may be seen, such as Goonoo Forest.