Plants of the Dubbo Region

Much of the original natural vegetation of the Dubbo area was a mix of shrubby and grassy woodlands. Of these, the grassy woodland is the most depleted, with relatively few healthy remnants remaining. The shrubby woodland, growing on less fertile soils and covering rocky hilltops less suited to agricultural use, has survived a little better. Near-original vegetation remains in a few reserved areas; forests and nature reserves, and in patches on private land. The remnant vegetation along roadways and within Travelling Stock Routes is a valuable example of former local vegetation, although most of these areas contain introduced weeds, and lack original composition and structure.

The original woodlands were mostly box-ironbark-pine, with gums and casuarinas in some areas.  Smaller trees included Wilga, Budda, Quandong and Rosewood, particularly on the westerly side of the city. These woodlands contained a diverse understorey of shrubs, herbs and forbs, with acacias well represented.

There were grassy White Box woodlands on the richer soils, with a diverse mixture of herbs and forbs. Examples of these woodlands can be seen along the Obley Road.

Along watercourses of the area you can find magnificent old River Red Gums (Eucalyptus camaldulensis), Rough-barked Apple (Angophora floribunda) and River Oaks (Casuarina cunninghamiana), representing part of the original riparian vegetation. Unfortunately, much of the former riparian understorey has been replaced by exotic weeds. In some areas introduced willows are being removed by volunteers and Dubbo Regional Council and revegetation of the riverbanks is in progress.

The remnant vegetation just to the south of the city, on either side of the Newell Highway (near the Western Plains Zoo) contains a diverse mixture of native plants, including a number of species of native orchids. In spring, small shrubs likeMint Bush, Phebalium, Dampiera, Boronia, Hibbertia, Pea Bush (Egg and Bacon), and Leucopogon combine with the lovely purple Happy Wanderer (Hardenbergia violacea) and several wattles to provide a colourful array as beautiful as one could see anywhere.

In Goonoo Forest to the north-east of the city, now a State Conservation Area,  there are around 40 species of Acacia (wattles) beneath stately ironbarks and box trees, with dense stands of shrubby casuarinas.

For a list of acacias found in the Dubbo area, see the Flora of Dubbo and Central West Slopes, available here:

For advice or help with where to observe local plants, grab our current book, or feel free to contact us.